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TDH3 Run #77 (written by "Hazukashii")

Run No. 77 - December 15, 2022
Venue: Antarctica (Waddle On On Cruise)

The plan, oh yes the plan . . . we were going to do the trail on 14 Dec, but due to some bad weather, we had to postpone.  On the 15th, the weather was so good that a Polar Plunge was added to the schedule, and that seemed a fitting end for the hash trail, so the word was put out that today was the day we do our one and only trail ashore.

Fly along on the trail with us . . .

The pack gathered up, and following the blue footsteps (no other marks were allowed) of our hare (Hazukashii), the trail ascended a snow and ice covered hill, passing some unsuspecting penguins as they lay about preparing to drop their eggs. It was no easy slog, as some of the heavier hashers (yes, me) continually broke through the snow crust and sunk in up to our knees. 

The FRBs finished in about 40 minutes, but some in the pack took well over an hour.  Back at the bottom of the hill, once the pack had reassembled, we stripped down and made the plunge.  Little time was wasted in getting dressed again, and jumping into the zodiac boats for a ride back to the ship where hot showers awaited.

See the pictures:

The busses arriving at the run site.

The hare (Hazukashii) marking the way.

The Penguins helped mark trail with their own offering of guano. 

On Up to the top of trail.

Some curious spectators.

Coming back down the hill and into the finish.

Trail was marked in blue  . . .

Post run, the pack gathers for the Polar Plunge.

Phase 2 of trail, strip down and get wet.

Many different levels of joy before getting into the water.

This one led us in for the polar plunge.

The Polar Plunge . . . since there is no better name for it down south.

Come in the water they said . . . it will be fine they said.  But it wasn't fine . . . :o)

Circling up back on the ship.

GM and the Hare get a cool down down.

One of two actual virgins on this trail. She was from Ireland, and cussed like a sailor.