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TDH3 Run #60 (written by "the Wolf")

June 10, 2005
Venue: Yekaterinburg Railway Station (Close to the boarder between Asia and Europe)

30 odd hashers participate in the
Trans-Siberian Railjerk trip organized by POM. In addition to runs with the Beijing H3, Ulan Bator H3, and in Irkutsk, we had a TDH3 run with live hares!

As soon as the train stopped the hares (Occupied, Mother Siberia, and Ice Arse) disappeared into the tunnel connecting the platforms with the main station building. We found chalk marks everywhere but did not see the hares. Since we were running out of time (after all the train stopped only for 22 minutes) we returned to the platform. To our relief we spotted Occupied leisurely walking towards the end of the train. At the last carriage we found the ON-IN sign, so in we went pushing our way thru 3rd class and 2nd class carriages until we reached the dining car where the hares were sitting with a big smile on their faces. A head count was made and to our surprise we were short by one (was it somebody from down under?), but before GM Imelda could start the circle (assisted by the biermeister Toy Boy and the Wolf) the lost soul appeared; returners were splashed, virgins (TDH3 virgins to be precise) were welcomed, and the singing got better.  Polo shirts were passed out, and vodka appeared from somewhere . . . and all was well.

Some hashers do not remember how they made it back to their compartment. You want names? Ask Imelda in Chiang Mai, I do not remember names well!
See the pictures:
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