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TDH3 Run #59 (written by "the Wolf")

October 29, 2004
Venue: Angkor Wat, Cambodia (Mekong Indochina Hash weekend)

Have you ever traveled with the“TDH3-Team“?

I tell you, even for a seasoned  hasher and traveler and traveler like myself, it was a new experience. I met the harriettes early in the morning at Bangkok airport flying to Siem Reap for the 2nd Indochina-Mekong Hash: "Imelda“ (Wichanee), "Plastered" (Charlotte), "Normal" (Kim) and "Deepshag“ (Meau). What a team! The chairwoman, the webmistress, the harriette in charge of food and the wife of the treasurer for IH2006!

My "work“ started at Siem reap airport: Wolf can you hold this, Wolf do you have...?

We managed to load all bags (enough for a complete soccer team) in a van, accepted a visitor ("Pussy“ from Singapore) and found our self a hotel.

Next call "let us meet our local contact" (Franklin). The TDH3-trail was discussed, busses were ordered and the first Cambodian meal taken (under the supervision of "Normal“) in a rather shabby roadside restaurant.

The next call "let us go to the food market“ I did not honour. However I met the team at the "Soup Dragon“ rooftop garden restaurant for a welcome drink with about 50-100 other hashers, followed by dinner with special guests ("Pussy“, “Prosperous Chicken“ from P.J. and the TDH3- virgin "General“ from Port Villa).

Next morning "Deepshag“ set the trail with Franklin, "Imelda“ chaired a meeting with the representatives of the other countries participating in IH2006,“Normal“ and "Plastered“ prepared snacks for the TDH3 run.

Meanwhile the harriettes had a soft-spoken, gentle rickshaw driver under contract and I lost my temporary job as transportation manager. Registration started, banners were set-up, bus boys appointed (the Seoul connection: "Virginia Slim“, "Dodic Master“, myself and one more friend) and of we went.

Orders in Thai were shouted, confusion at the run site, drink stops were missed, winging went cut it short: all went well. A lively circle in the middle of a road, plenty of beer, baptizing of TDH3-virgins and t-shirts for almost everybody stopped the winging.

Oh yes, we also participated in the IMH3 and we visited Angkor Wat, but that is another story

For hours "Normal“ had disappeared, handys did not function, meeting points and times were missed, rucksacks of visitors piled up in my room...I can tell you, at least 3of the 4team-members liked to make lonely decisions, but at the end of the trip everything was ok. Needless to say: I am now a member of the TDH3-team.


See the pictures:

Photos by Big Spender

This page last updated: Monday, March 19, 2007